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AAU Energy

Introduction to Wind Power Systems

Programme purpose

The purpose of wind power group is to conduct leading edge research in the field of the wind power systems, to improve reliability, energy efficiency and cost reduction for future wind power systems, to support the developments of the wind turbine technologies for the industry, to promote the utilisation of wind energy and the integration of wind power future energy systems.

Core Challenges

The research group covers many topics related to “Wind Power System”. The core challenges are related to the following topics:

  • Modelling and analysis of large scale wind power systems
  • Control and operation of wind power plants
  • Reliable and high efficient components in wind turbines/farms
  • Monitoring of modern wind turbines/wind power plants
  • Planning, design and optimization of large scale wind power plants
  • Offshore wind power
  • Wind power integration into future power systems.
  • Wind power integration into future energy systems.
  • Fully utilisation of wind power, such as hydrogen production from wind power

We are mainly working on electrical part of wind power system, such as generators, power electronic converters and other electrical parts in wind power plant, focusing on optimal design, operation and control, grid integration and high efficient utilisation. We also develop simulation and design tools for wind power conversion systems so as to integrate wind power plant and energy system simulation to meet the grid code requirements and optimize the wind power plant performance. Furthermore, we work on offshore wind power grids and optimization of large-scale offshore wind farms.

The group is an active part of Wind Energy Structures and Technologies (WEST) at Aalborg University, Danish Academy of Wind Energy (DAWE) and is closely associated with the European Academy of Wind Energy (EAWE) and the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA).

The group is also actively related to Wind Energy of SDC (Sino-Danish Centre for Education and Research), for which Professor Zhe Chen is the principal investigator.

The group is active in dissemination of new knowledge and research results in the field of wind energy, Professor Zhe Chen is the Editor in Chief of a new MDPI journal, Wind.