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About AAU Energy

At AAU Energy we are fully dedicated to research, innovation and education wihtin the broad field of energy. We focus on a sustainable energy future, focusing our research on renewable energy, efficient energy consumption and distribution, conversion technologies and control of energy.

About AAU Energy

At AAU Energy we are fully dedicated to research, innovation and education wihtin the broad field of energy. We focus on a sustainable energy future, focusing our research on renewable energy, efficient energy consumption and distribution, conversion technologies and control of energy.

Find AAU Energy


Our department addresses the energy technological challenges, which occur in the pursuit of a society that is free from fossil energy and based on a robust energy system with a high degree of supply security.  We strive for excellence and impact in what we do, by establishing strong, collaborative partnerships with industrial and academic stakeholders within the field and engaging in the public debate concerning one of the major challenges of our time: the green transition.

At the time (August 2021), we proudly host three Villum Investigator centres and one Poul Due Jensen Foundation centre. One of our research areas, power electronics, has consistently been rated in the global top 3 over the last 3 years. We have several researchers among the top 1% most cited, and many more in the top 2%. Within our staff and guests, we count 30 nationalities, and potential PhD students with prestigious scholarships from their home countries actively seek us as host institution.

We are engaged in approximately 200 research, innovation and training projects funded by EU Horizon 2020, Innovation Fund Denmark and EUDP, the Danish Energy Development and Demonstration Program amongst others, where we are PI in.

However, there is always room for improvement, and we have been looking into ways of improving on all parameters: excellence, collaboration, and impact. The result that we have come up with are our six technical research missions – and the seventh on education, knowledge transfer, and training.
You can explore each mission below.

107 PhD students

107 PhD students are currently enrolled under the Energy PhD programme

Department turnover 2021

The department's turnover: DKK 214,8m

Project turnover 2021

The department's total project turnover: DKK 103,5m