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AAU Energy

Education within Offshore Drones and Robotics

Our research group supervises students’ projects and teaches undegraduate courses in the bachelor of Energy and Applied Industrial Electronics. Some of the bachelor courses we teach are Real Time Systems and Programming languages, Modeling, Robotic Manipulators, Data Structures and Algorithms, Cyberphysical System Programming, Artificial Intelligence, Programming Languaes and Translators, additionally to Control Systems and Test and Validation.

At master level we supervise and teach in the MSc degree of Advanced Power Electronics and in Offshore Energy Systems. Some of the courses that we teach in the Offshore Energy Systems specialization are System Identification and Diagnosis, Optimization, Dynamic Modelling of Electrical Machines and Control Systems and Control and Surveillance of Processes and Systems. In the MSC of Advanced Power systems we teach System Identification and Diagnosis, Condition Monitoring and Product Life Cycle Management, Non-linear Control and Reliability, Artificial Intelligence, Adaptive and Predictive Control, Fault Tolerant Control.